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IMFS Madhya Pradesh

    March for science 2024 program In M.P

    1. Bluechip Convent School , Ashokanagar
      Date 07/08/2024
      Speaker :
      Mr Anil Dhakate professor Govt polytechnic Ashokanagar
      Vikas Bansal
      (State co cordinator
      Breathrough science society )
    2. Lions Public School
      Speaker :
      Mr Anil Dhakate
      Krashna Bairagi
    3. Modern Children Hr Secondary School
      GUNA M.P.
      Date : 09/08/2024
      Speaker :
      Dr Shewta Arora
      Principal Modern School
      Vikas bansal
      (State co cordinator
      Breathrough science society )

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