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India March for Science 2021 – Appeal

IMFS lauds the valuable and selfless services of the frontline workers for their timely and effective response to the COVID-19 crisis. We hope that the ongoing efforts in vaccine research across the globe will achieve success as early as is practically possible without any safety compromise and will be within the reach of even the poorest of the poor. Read full text


On August 9, 2019 scientists, professors, research scholars, educators, students, and science loving people marched across India in over 70 cities and towns to celebrate science, promote scientific temper and champion robustly funded and publicly communicated science as a pillar of human freedom and prosperity.
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India March for Science is an integral part of the global March for Science

Science and scientific temper are the pillars on which the material development, prosperity and cultural well-being of the Indian people rest.

‘India March for Science’, as an integral part of the global March for Science is an earnest endeavour to celebrate science to underscore the importance of cultivating scientific temper, and also to resist the attempts to propagate superstitious beliefs.

Covid-19: Letter to the PM from IMFS

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Previous Marches

IMFS 2020

IMFS 2019

IMFS 2018

IMFS 2017


  • Despite the scientific community alerting the government to the likelihood of a second wave as experienced by European and American countries, the ruling dispensation invited the crisis by propagating the false assurance that the COVID pandemic is over and by allowing mass gatherings in state elections and religious festivities
  • Many unscientific ideas and untested remedies for COVID-19 are propagated by some quarters, even by people in the top echelons of governments – both state and central.
  • The prevailing economic situation during the pandemic is being used as a reason to further reduce the already inadequate funding for educational institutions and scientific research.
  • We, stress that online education cannot substitute formal education at any level as the ‘new normal’.
  • Unscientific materials are being promoted by the education system in the name of ‘Indian Knowledge Systems’ – a mainstay of the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP), which was tabled in the Parliament during the pandemic. The IGNOU has announced the introduction of an MA course in astrology, and many other universities are introducing courses in astrology, Vastushastra and other areas of pseudo-science.
  • We request the scientific community to actively spread scientific temper among people to counter these wrong steps of the government.
  • Education and scientific research have been affected very badly during the lockdown due to the government’s apathy. PhD students have lost one-and-half years of research time, but the funding agencies have not yet extended the tenure of fellowships
  • We demand that the Centre and State governments:
  • Take adequate steps based on scientific advice supported by data to counter the COVID pandemic.
  • Stop propagation of unscientific, obscurantist ideas, and develop scientific temper, human values and spirit of inquiry in conformity with Article 51A of the Constitution.
  • Ensure that the education system does not impart ideas that are not based on or contradict scientific evidence.
  • Allocate at least 10% of the Central Budget and 30% of State budgets to education.
  • Ensure that at least 3% of the country’s GDP is used to support scientific and technological research.
  • Increase the financial support to scientific institutions and increase the fellowship tenure of PhD students by the period lost to the pandemic

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