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IMFS Karnataka

    The 7th edition of India March for Science (IMFS) which is the Indian edition of the global March for Science movement was held in Bengaluru at KLE society’s S. Nijaligappa College, Bengaluru on 12th August 2023.

    About 400 people including scientists, researchers, professionals, students and science-loving people gathered to celebrate science and highlighted the need for greater support for science, education, and scientific research in the country with a host of talks.

    Prof. Jayant Murthy(Retd. Senior Professor, Indian Institute of Astrophysics) spoke on the importance of Scientific Temper by bringing the practice of it in our daily lives. Scientific Temper helps us to understand what’s around you and think through it.
    Prof. S Mahadevan (Retd. Senior Professor, Indian Institute of Science) spoke about the past marches starting from the year 2017 and how the March for Science movement emphasized on issues such as climate change, evidence based policies etc. He said that “Today many of the TV Channels are promoting unscientific content which confuse individuals and common masses. A movement is necessary to develop scientific attitude in the masses.
    Dr. Balachandra Rao (Researcher in classical Indian Astronomy) spoke on the importance of Indian Astronomy and Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval times. He emphasised that every student who is a lover of knowledge and science must instill scientific temper. He criticised the trend of propagating one extreme view that India had no contribution in science and the other extreme view that India had everything in science. Many misinterpretations have been presented by vested interests by twisting history. Rejecting false claims we must uphold the true genuine contributions of ancient & medieval Indian science and scientists which helped to solve problems in astronomy, mathematics and geometry using logical methods.

    Prof. C P Rajendran(Adjunct Professor, National Institute of Advanced Sciences) said that current education system is in a critical stage. Pseudoscience and false claims are propagated in the place of genuine contributions of Indian Science. Scientific temper must be promoted as it is part of the constitution and it cultivates the culture of questioning.

    Mr. Anand Raj , President, Breakthrough Science Society, Karnataka chapter spoke on how Science is to be celebrated. He said that the basic nature of humans is to be curious to seek knowledge about the surroundings, understand the phenomena for the betterment of social conditions and the knowledge acquired is passed on from one generation to the next.  If knowledge does not progress, society stagnates.

    Mr.Pranav Radhakrishnan(Science Communicator, Youtuber/ Instagram influencer of ‘Science is Dope’ Channel)  spoke on how today in the age of information, social media plays a vital role in influencing people. In India much emphasis is given to accepting and believing an authority. This would give scope to vested interests for promotion of misinformation and fear mongering. He spoke on how evidence plays an important role in deciding truth. A legal disincentive/regulation must be put into place to promote checks on misinformation. 

    Mr. Amjad Syed(Vice President, Breakthrough Science Society) presented the vote of thanks thanking the dignitaries and the college for the support.

    Shreeya(Secretary, BSS Bengaluru) addressing.

    India March For Science – Mysore Programme

    The IMFS program was inaugurated by Prof. P. Venkataramaiah, former VC of Kuvempu University by watering a plant. Ms.Vidya Shankar, former HM Vidya Vardhaka, Mr Shashidhar Dongre M, science communicator, Dipti. B, State secretary, Breakthrough Science Society and Niranjan Hiremath, Mysore unit In-charge of Breakthrough Science society were present on the occasion. 

    Professor P. Venkataramaiahaddressing the students spoke on the importance of not falling victims to superstitions and the importance of science education in this regard which helps to fight superstitions. He also stressed the need to spread the message on climate change

    Mr Niranjan Hiremath, in-charge of Breakthrough Science Society, Mysore unit gave an introduction about the objectives of the March for Science program.

    Shri.Shivprakash Adavanne, REMP, BARC Scientist said that Mysore is home for many unique birds and plants. We must preserve this biodiversity for protecting the environment.

    Ms.Dipti.B, State Secretary of Breakthrough Science Society, Karnatakaspoke on the importance of scientific temper in society. She stressed on the fact that scientific temper is not only to be practiced in the classrooms and laboratories but in everyday life. She also said that encouraging children to ask “why” and “how” in classrooms and home can go a long way in cultivating scientific temper in the society.

    Prof Shankar Bhat, Retired Professor, University of Mysore, expressed his solidarity for the March though he could not be physically present due to poor health.

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